Monday, January 31, 2005

*Ish revived* Take two!! XD

Ewwo! Wow! I haven't been updating since err... since err.... last year!!!! O.O And it's nearly Feburary too! OH MI GOSH!!!!! *Shock* *Horror* XD Yes I'm going mad... Not unusual but hey!

Guess what! (What??) I'm eating KFC! Yum yum yummeh!!! *Greasy fingers typing away...* XP I haven't been updating much because I'm hooked, yes literally hooked onto Gaia Online *nods* My doctor says (Cousin) "You have caught Gaia Toxicosis!" XDDDD WOOT! =P I'm currently busy with some commissons I've said I'd do :) (Cos I'm a nice person... ^_^) They're coming on quite well actually, I'll post them up here maybe when I'm finished =P

That's mostly I do during my net time and at home when I'm bored. At school, it's exam after exam after exam =.= (Those are over, but then there's the summer ones! D=) And then they throw in the usual "Knowledge Check!" (Makes it sound professional... *Sticks tongue out XD*) They're sooo hard! I need to revise more *Sighs* Why do they have to be like 8 marks each ehh?? Soo much explaining needed then! I'm a lazy child! I'm not one of them goodie two shoes who revises hour after hour, day after day, night after night on the god damn one page! >.o!!!!

Errm, I guess that's mostly about my goings on in January... Soon to come ish Feburary; which is Tomorrow! @_@ Oh yes! Did I mention I've found an lj that belongs to meh friends?? I didn't? Blegh who cares about her anyway XD (No wait she might be reading this! Nuuuuu!!! Please don't kill me I beg you! *Grabs knife and puts it out in front* Dun come near! Dun come near!) Erm... if any of you like to read it it'd be here *Points >> that way>>* 'TIS HERE! CLICKY CLICKY!!! =D

I'd better be scuttling off now! Ja Ne!!!! Please post your comment if you'd like. I'd appreciate it, although it could be you shouting at me because I've hurt you... >.> I'm sowwie! >.<