Wednesday, March 31, 2004


yup revision is something I have to do daily now. That's cos my exams are just around the corner! [WOOHOO!] I'm so worried about it... I've been surfing around lately (On the net, not the ones where you stand on a board. ooooh no!) and came acroos a site called 'Ask the pigeons'. Its a revision site which has links to other nice sites such as 'BBC bitesize' (So basically a directory). But wait! It's no ordinary directory! It is a sanctuary of little pigeons and you can ask them questions and they just come up with wacky answers. My favourite pigeon is 'The Raccon of Doom!' (yes I know a racoon isn't a pigeon. Just go to the website and check why it's there. Link is under title.) I'm gonna draw a piccy of it and send it in. Hope they'll like it! ^^ Well, I'm gonna go and do some revision now so toodles! =3

Sunday, March 14, 2004

Death is dawning soon! NoOOOOOOOOOoooooooooo!

WOW I haven't posted in a very long time!
I've completed my revision timetable today. Jeeze! Did it take me long or what! One whole bloody day! (s'cuse meh language) *Sigh* At least it was done cos my mum kept on nagging me to do it. I put loads of colourful piccies and things on it too! I wouldn't want a plain piece of paper with words telling me to revise this and that everyday on my wall would I?!