Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Back from Holiday ^_^

Yay!! Hehe ^_^ Yup I went on holiday to China for two weeks and spent a few days in Hong Kong collecting my new ID card =P Was very fun!!!
Got my aunt to buy some mangas for me there ^_^ (Fruits Basket) 16 mangas for $416 ^.^ It's cheaper than online though, the only trait is that it's translated into Chinese not English; I guess it could help me brush up on my Chinese though =D

It rained most of the time in China so we couldn't really go to many of the tourist sites/places. (We so wanted to go to the Great Wall but it was -7 degrees so we couldn't =( It also made the concrete stairs outisde of where we were staying wet and slippery, so I fell down them by accident >..< Or just take the ferry to Hong Kong and buy clothes there *nod*
We also went to the hot springs that was close by to where we stayed. Was a nice warm day that day. (We camped the TV to check the weather forcast everyday ¬.¬) It was very nice because we practially had the whole place to ourselves that day <3 The tourists came after we went XD (Good timing eh?)

We went on a one-day trip into a cave that was formed by underground water?? Very pretty but my Grandma said that the ones in a place called 'Gway Lum' in China had better formed ones. *shrugs* (The cave we went to was only opened last year so yeah....) After that the tour guide made us climb a tall, steep mountain. We took the steps, don't worry =P But it was still hardwork! Like my bro says. It's a whole years worth of exercise all done in one day, but to my cousin it was 10 years worth of exercise XD No one accomplished the task but me, my bro and my 2 other cousins out of the 40-ish people on the tour ^^b (We're goood =D) The hard part was walking back down the steep steps though >.< I had a feeling I was gonna fall XP The most funny thing though was that our parents phoned us to check if we fell off the mountain or not since we were gone for more than 20 mins; unfortunatly for them, we didn't ;)

And here ends my wonderful holiday in China ^_^ I would post some photos when I get the time to or if I'm not afraid to... >.> Now I have to go back to school tomorrow Nuuuuuuuu!!! D= I dun wanna! I got a lot of work to catch up! >.< !!!

Monday, January 31, 2005

*Ish revived* Take two!! XD

Ewwo! Wow! I haven't been updating since err... since err.... last year!!!! O.O And it's nearly Feburary too! OH MI GOSH!!!!! *Shock* *Horror* XD Yes I'm going mad... Not unusual but hey!

Guess what! (What??) I'm eating KFC! Yum yum yummeh!!! *Greasy fingers typing away...* XP I haven't been updating much because I'm hooked, yes literally hooked onto Gaia Online *nods* My doctor says (Cousin) "You have caught Gaia Toxicosis!" XDDDD WOOT! =P I'm currently busy with some commissons I've said I'd do :) (Cos I'm a nice person... ^_^) They're coming on quite well actually, I'll post them up here maybe when I'm finished =P

That's mostly I do during my net time and at home when I'm bored. At school, it's exam after exam after exam =.= (Those are over, but then there's the summer ones! D=) And then they throw in the usual "Knowledge Check!" (Makes it sound professional... *Sticks tongue out XD*) They're sooo hard! I need to revise more *Sighs* Why do they have to be like 8 marks each ehh?? Soo much explaining needed then! I'm a lazy child! I'm not one of them goodie two shoes who revises hour after hour, day after day, night after night on the god damn one page! >.o!!!!

Errm, I guess that's mostly about my goings on in January... Soon to come ish Feburary; which is Tomorrow! @_@ Oh yes! Did I mention I've found an lj that belongs to meh friends?? I didn't? Blegh who cares about her anyway XD (No wait she might be reading this! Nuuuuu!!! Please don't kill me I beg you! *Grabs knife and puts it out in front* Dun come near! Dun come near!) Erm... if any of you like to read it it'd be here *Points >> that way>>* 'TIS HERE! CLICKY CLICKY!!! =D

I'd better be scuttling off now! Ja Ne!!!! Please post your comment if you'd like. I'd appreciate it, although it could be you shouting at me because I've hurt you... >.> I'm sowwie! >.<