Thursday, December 23, 2004

Meh little quiz of randomness!!! =D

Out of boredom, randomness and frustration from coursework, I made this little quiz; which took me about errrr... well long enough! I hope you all enjoy it ^^ Many people found it fun and a great laugh =D Just click the link below to take it.
Take my Quiz on!

Saturday, December 18, 2004

The ebilness of Phoenix (a.k.a. Yuffie)

Hey ya peeps! Was chatting to my wuvly cuzzie on MSN today and showed him meh site (T.A) >.> To his disappointment, he couldn't find a page that contained all the ebilness I have done during the 17 years of my humble life XD So I thought, "Okay I'll go blog it in instead ^^" Which I am doing now =D (Ain't I a nice cuzzie??)
Why am I sharing this information with you you ask?? Well maybe because I'm mad or something. (I ish a lunatic afterall) Or that I just want to make my cuzzie happy? o.O.... *Shrugs*
*Ahem* here goes... (I'll bulletpoint them to make reading easier ^^) According to my cuzzie, the ebil stuff I had commited inclued:
  • Hitting cuzzies (Cos they were ebil to me first! XP)
  • Making fun of Takani's intellegence. XD
  • Screams, shouts, yell (I mean who else doesn't?! o.O)

This is all he told me so far... Anymore to share?? I doubt it, due to my mind of a sieve XP
...Well there is some I can remember >.>
  • Keeping Tak's manga as meh hostages XD (I still have some of his CDs :ninja:)
  • Lying to get out of trouble >.>
  • Smacking people for no apparent reason
  • Pulling silly faces (Especially sticking meh tougue out =p)
  • Not helping out people, when they need it the most ^^;;
  • Taking my anger out on friends (Sorry ^^;;)
  • Tuesday, December 14, 2004

    *Ish revived*

    Woah! Long time since I've blogged eh?? It's cos I've been rather busy lately and been gaming far too much... >.<;;
    A lot has happened lately, I went to the oldest cinema in the world on my friend's birthday (2nd Dec). Which I then caught an eye infection the day after ¬.¬ The pain!!! D= My eye had swollen up and had puss in it (eww...) , doc said it could have been caused by the cold I had due to my sniffles. = (
    Had a 2 Maths tests, one last Friday (10th Dec) on statistics >_< I have I feeling I've failed. The questions were worded so badly and we didn't get enough time to finish them = ( The other one was today, pure maths o.O How evil it was! So evil! And sooooo hard! I bet I only got one question correct XP
    Anyway, it's Christmas soon!! Yay!! I'm gonna go round my cuzzies and we're gonna game all day >.> Gonna play Tales of Symphonia =D Heard that it's really good! But it only came out here not long ago ¬.¬ When it was already released in many other places. UNFAIR!!! >_<;;
    Still need to wrap up some pressies and buy some aswell.... I've spent most of my money already!!! Dammit, I always go bankrupt near Christmas ='( Spent most of my money on Manga though XD (What a good cause!)
    Wow I think I've written a lot today! Guess I was having fun taking out most of my anger and sharing stuff with meh readers. (Not like there are any >.>) Well I'll blog later then have fun every one and hope you all will have a
    and a very

    Bai bai for now ^_^

    Saturday, November 20, 2004

    Another Baby Cousin o.O??

    Hehe, my aunt had a baby today and it's a boy! *Dances* We're trying to help her find a name for him now. (I never thought it's be so hard! D= ) We're gonna go see them at the hospital tomorrow, I bet he'd be so cute ^^

    Saturday, September 25, 2004

    New Layout!

    Woot! I have a new layout today ^^ Took quite a while to update and make it to perfect standards XP But here it is now! Hope you'll all enjoy it!!! ^_^

    Oh and one more thing ^^

    Yes my blog has reached over 1000 hits, *Applause* so I made this to thank all my visitors =3


    Thursday, September 23, 2004

    Music files here I come! =D

    Muhahahahahaha! =D I'm so happy today!!! My aunt brought me a MP3 player as my early Birthday and Christmas present! *Dances around in joy* (Am actually listening to it right now XD ) Now I need to find some more c-pop music to put into it =/ (Must it be so hard to find some?! D= Think I'll borrow mum's Cds instead *nods in agreement* ) (lol I'm just talking to myself again, heh heh ^^;; Don't mind me...) I'm not too sure of what English music I should download either... any suggestions people??

    Thursday, September 16, 2004

    Boo!! XP

    Wow! It's been quite a while since I've last posted, but that's cos nothing much has been happening =/ I've gone back to school(college) and am settling in rather well ^^ I'm taking Graphics, Media Studies, Business and Economic Studies plus Math (Yeah I'm mad! XD But there are many people who are doing it aswell!!! We only have two girls in my group; including me >_<)

    Today the school brought in a rocket that some guy made during a period of two years o.O (It's a model of the real thing though, so I'm not sure if it launches or works... *shrugs*) Cost them about £2000 to bring it into the school carpark, so students in the school can view the model (Waste of money I'd say... )

    Thursday, August 26, 2004

    Exam Results ^_^

    Hi hi all!! Haven't blogged for quite a while eh? Well today I had to go to school to collected my exam results.... and they came out rather well ^^

    Religious Studies~C
    English Literature~C
    Media Studies~C

    Yay, I'm so happy *dances in joy as celebration commences* =p

    Wednesday, August 04, 2004

    So hot and bored!

    Wow! It's been a while since I've posted eh? Well, its been the summer holidays and I haven't been up to much lately so I guess I have nothing to write about really... Though the weather has been very hot in many places this year I'm practically dying from the heat here! *dies, hears cheering in the background* Oi! ¬.¬ *sigh* I think I'll be off to bed then since it is really late now and I do feel tired... erm, bai bai *waves and departs*

    Monday, July 05, 2004

    Thorpe Park

    *Stumbles in dizzy like* Oooo0000... 0.o.... !!! YIPPEE!!!! That ten loop the loop rollercoaster was fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnn! tee hee hee! I loved it! ^^ I got soaking wet on Tidal Wave though =/ Was in the bathroom drying myself for quite a while.... Anyway I had so much fun!!! XDDDD But I need a shower now and my bed! Though I don't feel too tired, just hot!!! Boy was today's weather WONDERFUL! It was sunny all day! Guess all the rain ran out after four days XP Well blog later! Bai bai! ~_^

    Sunday, July 04, 2004

    Shrek 2!!

    YAY! I went to see Shrek 2 today at the cinema!!!! ^_^ *jumps around in joy* It was fantastic and hilarious! I would recommend this film to everyone!!! Puss in Boot's cute pose is soooo kawaii!!! =D I love it! I want it!!! *Huggles* I also want a plushie of the animal that come right at the end!!! (hehe I won't tell you whet it is just incase I'll ruin it for ya ~_^) I still love that little Donkey *Glomps him* Tee hee hee, I think I should calm myself down now cos I'm gonna go to a Theme Park tomorrow! YAYS! ^_^

    Friday, July 02, 2004

    Tee hee hee!

    Yo peeps! How's ya all?? Went to school today to give in some books. God were they heavy?!?!!!! We were signing up for which class we were gonna be in next year and there seem to be a few clones of me... so basically my name was on two forms! So I had to decide which one I want to be in (tough decision, but I made it ^^)
    When I was catching the bus home, it was absoulutely POURRING IT DOWN! T.T I came back home soaking wet because I didn't take an umbrella. Fortunately my friend had one, so I didn't get too wet! (Phew!)
    Lately, I've been taking peeps on SL and checking the tagboard down there *points* Mimi (my new affy =p) had an idea of a comment box at the end of my posts some people can leave their comment behind ^^ And so I took the idea and did it =D (Are you serverly injured by moi??) Click the link on the bottom of this post to comment on my posts now ^^ Hehe!
    Oh and one more thing! Since it's the Summer Hols, I've been signing up to millions of games which my cuzzy had introduced me to. Many I like and are ood to past time when you're bored so I thought that I might as well share some of my fav links/games with you guys =D
    My most favourite game is Gaia! Click here! It's a very bif community of people who you can talk to! All the Gaians are really nice and you can find friends in no time ~.^ Oh and if you sign up, could you put the name minoko in the reffered by section? Thanks ^^
    Vasquaria, also known as Vasq! A MMORPG where you train your pixelated char and has a very unique clan system (according to my cuzzy 0.o)
    I have a few more, but I have to go now =( I'll udate this section soon! Bai bai!

    Sunday, June 27, 2004

    YAY! Manga!

    Woohoo! My lovely adorable manga has finally arrived at long last! ^_^ 14 cool mangas (no they don't all belong to me) that won't even last me three days! (lol I think I'm gonna read them too quick =p) Well that's about it really, might get another affy soon if Mimi accepts me ^^ Her link can be found in the affy section on the navigation bar, go check it out. It's worth it! ~.^ Ciao!

    P.S Hmmm.. the tagboard doesn't seem to be working at the moment. So you can send comments of link exchanges (l/e) to my e-mail!

    Friday, June 25, 2004

    Addictied to Neopets =p

    What Spell Faerie are you?
    I am an Air Faerie. The Air Faeries are magical, joyous little creatures who love to dance on the wind. What Faerie are you? Click here to find out

    Did a quiz about Neopets, yes I'm addicted to it again! Hehe =p

    If you wanna join Neopets click on either faerie doll below!

    Tuesday, June 15, 2004

    Free from EXAMS! =p

    WOOHOO! I've finished all my exams! Well... I do have one French exam left but it's only French right? (I'll just guess all the answers.) Hopefully I did okay, so now I'm gonna wait for my results to come.

    Right so that's the exams over, I'll be trying to finish off my websites now ^^ The japanese page for Treasury Angel is nearly done so that should be posted up soon. Erm, about the other site, they'll just have to wait a while cos I need to get all the stuff ready. Well that's about it go check them out CYA!

    Wednesday, May 26, 2004

    2 down 15 more to go!

    :) I've completed two papers so far, Media Studies and French Speaking. Not too bad, hopefully I did well.

    Anyway, 'bout Powerpets, guess what! I've got frozen Muhahahahahahaha! lol. My cuz didn't want his account and wanted to give stuff to me. Seems like you can't do this cos it was an unfair trade... bah! Only was on there like three days! lol. I've found out, that you can't help friends or anyone on there, you have to get everything yourself. Guess that's what they're saying. Anyway, I'm gonna play another game ^^ Or maybe read some manga. Damn Amazon! Why does their shipping take so long!!!! I want my manga now! Jeeze. But to think of it again, it's a good thing, cos I need to revise for meh GCSEs and if they come now, I'll be busy reading manga and leaving my revision. Ah well, gonna go now after blabbing on about junk... who reads this blog anyway? Post comments on the tag board down there *points to the bottom of the navigation bar*

    I might have a new affy soon too, cos my cuzzy (yes the one who go me frozen) is making a new site! It's gonna be about Sonic I think... anyway, hopefully it goes well for him and that I'll have a new affy, ciao for now! ^^

    Saturday, May 22, 2004

    Boredom was here!

    Hehehe, I was boerd one morning, say like about 1-2am, and didn't have much to do so I started browsing round the web as I usually do ^^ When I found a site which listed the stuff you could do when you were boerd, and one of the suggestions was: Sign up with a vertual pet site! And I clicked it! Here's the banner to the site to join!

    Power Pets - The Greatest Virtual World site on the Internet!

    So now I have accounts on 2 pet sites ^^ hehehe, yay! Woohoo I have more pets! *Jumps around in joy* (*ding dong dang dong, ding dong dang dong* This is a visitor annoucement. Please be afraid, the lunatic inside her is about to emerge. Escape chutes are to your left, up that corridor to the flight of 25k steps leading to the second floor. Then, keep rotating 90 degrees anti-clockwise through the maze; whenever possible. Once you get to the exit, there should be some survival gear somewhere in the center of a ring of fire; this is provided for you just incase Phoenix catches you up, not that she knows a shortcut or anything.... Or you could use it as a souvenir, a crash landing "soft" suit or whatever you can think to use it as. Thank You for listening to this announcement and we hoped you'd enjoied your stay at Sweet.Lunatic! May we inform you that Phoenix is now officially been released and that she is standing right behind you. *ding dong dang dong, ding dong dang dong*) *drip* *drop* drip* =P *Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep* P.S I forgot to mention that we have also included a chizal and a hammer for you to create the escape chute with *Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!*

    Tuesday, May 18, 2004

    Rumage, rumage....

    Hehe, I've changed the layout to invite Summer's arrival! There was also an avatar included, so I thought I might start using avatars!

    Anyway, I'm beeing cleaning up my comp. and seeing what junk do I have on here... and guess what I found! QUIZ RESULTS!!! ^_^
    Yep, I've just saved them on to my harddrive and never got time to put them up ^^ Some of them have the dates when I'd took them, the rest where ages ago.

    P.S I've included a few new pages, a past layouts page and a page with all my other buttons you could choose to link me with ^^ All buttons are 88x31 at the mo. Both pages will pop-up onto a new browser.

    My quizresults:

    Whats your zodiac? **

    You're Perfect ^^
    -Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're the kind of chick that can hang out with your boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't care about presents or about going to fancy placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy being around your boyfriend.

    What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?

    brought to you by Quizilla

    Which Elemental Goddess are you?

    brought to you by Quizilla

    You're A Neko (Cat)! Meow! You love acting like a cat, because you ARE part cat! How did this come to be? I have no idea! But yay for you! You're playful and happy. You love being spoiled and pampered,
    but you have a vicious side too.

    What Type Of Anime Character Are You?
    brought to you by Quizilla

    i'm eyes rutherford
    who are yew?
    made by emi

    i am naruto!
    Which Naruto Genin Character Are You?
    Quiz by

    I am Meiling! Who are you? Find out HERE!

    My inner child is ten years old today

    My inner child is ten years old!

    The adult world is pretty irrelevant to me. Whether I'm off on my bicycle (or pony)exploring, lost in a good book, or giggling with my bestfriend, I live in a world apart, one full of adventure and wonder and other stuff adults don't understand.

    How Old is Your Inner Child?

    brought to you by Quizilla

    <<>>???What Kind Of Angel R You???<<>>( Anime Pics )

    brought to you by Quizilla



    Chobits - What Color Chii Are You?
    brought to you by Quizilla


    Hope Key Sakura
    You Are...

    Hope Key Sakura!

    You love everyone and can't help but help them.
    Just remember to care for yourself too!

    Which Cardcaptor Sakura Are You?
    brought to you by Quizilla

    Which MegaTokyo Character are you?

    brought to you by Quizilla

    Monday, May 17, 2004

    Lets get some kickass action done!

    ....yeah, I really should do some revision... Need to move my butt, *sigh* I'm just not up for it. Too tired. Too much time consumed for games.

    Saturday, May 15, 2004


    *Hops to keyboard* Ouch, ow, aieeee! *puff* *puff* I've sprained my leg at my friends party a few days ago and it caines! Ouch ouch... It's bandaged up now and I can just walk now. Heh, I was called 'Cripple' for the day at the party =/ Wish i was the one who pused them off the bouncy slide..... >=) I think I'll be going off to rest now, bye bye... Ouff Ow eeaaaiieee.... *Sigh*

    Thursday, April 15, 2004

    Treasury is up!

    YAY! All the past two days of hard work has paid off! I have finally finished my brand new site Treasury Angel! Told ya I'll finish and upload it soon! Though there are a few pages missing, so I need to fix that. Many apologies. Go take a look at Treasury, just click here! Enjoy and hope you'll like it! ^^

    Sunday, April 11, 2004


    HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE! YAY It's Easter! That mean Chocolate, Chocolate, Chocolate ! WOOHOO! Heh, I'm gonna get fat after all those eggs ^^ Here at Sweet.Lunatic, I wish everyone a wonderful easter and a lovely holiday!

    Today I've added a music box, yes that's where the music is coming from. It is located on the navigation bar in the misc section. Just click the square to turn it off! There is also a little cute clocky with the date on at the top to remind all those people the time and date! ^_^ Bye bye!
    Phoenix ~nyo!

    Wednesday, March 31, 2004


    yup revision is something I have to do daily now. That's cos my exams are just around the corner! [WOOHOO!] I'm so worried about it... I've been surfing around lately (On the net, not the ones where you stand on a board. ooooh no!) and came acroos a site called 'Ask the pigeons'. Its a revision site which has links to other nice sites such as 'BBC bitesize' (So basically a directory). But wait! It's no ordinary directory! It is a sanctuary of little pigeons and you can ask them questions and they just come up with wacky answers. My favourite pigeon is 'The Raccon of Doom!' (yes I know a racoon isn't a pigeon. Just go to the website and check why it's there. Link is under title.) I'm gonna draw a piccy of it and send it in. Hope they'll like it! ^^ Well, I'm gonna go and do some revision now so toodles! =3

    Sunday, March 14, 2004

    Death is dawning soon! NoOOOOOOOOOoooooooooo!

    WOW I haven't posted in a very long time!
    I've completed my revision timetable today. Jeeze! Did it take me long or what! One whole bloody day! (s'cuse meh language) *Sigh* At least it was done cos my mum kept on nagging me to do it. I put loads of colourful piccies and things on it too! I wouldn't want a plain piece of paper with words telling me to revise this and that everyday on my wall would I?!

    Wednesday, February 25, 2004

    Exams Exams...

    Hiya all! We've been given our exam timetable and I have to do a total of 18 exams!!! 0.o! The poor lunatic is gonna be tired after all those exams cramped up in one week! (lol I wonder how I'm gonna survive!)

    Anyway, I'm thinking of doing another laout for meh blog cos this winter one has been up for ages and I'm sorta getting bored of it. Looks cool and neat still but I think I need a little change! So I'll be right back with a new layout! ^^

    Saturday, February 21, 2004


    It's nearly 1 o'clock in the morning, chillin' out to anime music, chatting to a mate. (Yes she's still online like me... Now acting a "little" weird..... YELP! I think I'm not the only loony one...) Hmm.. I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentines last Saturaday! I got back home at like midnight, cos I was working very late that day! VERY BUSY DAY!

    I'm sorry that I didn't put up a Valentines layout. It didn't come up nice when I had loaded it up on the internet. However, here's some evidence that i DID try and make a layout for my site ^^ (Please wait for it to load, click on the thumbnail to view a larger version):

    So how is it? Good or bad? I think it's bit plain and simple, but still nice and sweet! Doesn't Pucca and Garu look soo kawaii together? The layout was made with MS paint and then fixed up in Microsoft FrontPage. Picture from Vooz.

    Monday, February 09, 2004

    Happy Valentines (*Sniff*)

    Achoweee! Oh I'm sorry, I've caught a cold from that "thing" over there I call a brother. Don't think Miss Loony is feeling well (jeeze my immune system really sucks! Especially meh nose! Even the doc said so! (lol) and ppl think I'm mad when I'm wearing two tops, a big jumper, fleece, two socks, some trousers on a warm, sunny day.... Okay I think i exagerated there ^_^; ... LOOK! I was freezing cold! *Sniff*) I hate it when I catch a cold. *Sigh* I was trying to make a new layout (yes one of my own ^^) in time for Valentines (Feb 14th, this Saturday!!!) but err.. it's sorta doesn't look nice. It looked fine in FrontPage but not on the web cos I don't have a good graphics program ;_; All I have is Office and Paint! It's fine in bitmat, but in .jpeg or .gif format, it goes all higgle-de-piggle-de when uploaded, so I'm leaving it for now, have cwk to do in the meantime ;_;

    I'll cya ppl around (Whoever does read my random loony rants anyway?) Ja Ne! ~Phoenix (Might start to have a avatar in the next layout. I'll think about that! =D)

    Thursday, January 29, 2004

    An Extra GCSE!

    Wow! I've just been told that I could do a GCSE for Cantonese! WOOHOO another GCSE for me =D

    Saturday, January 17, 2004


    Yes I know, it's a bit late but hey! I haven't been here for a while! That's because I went on holiday to a nice warm country for three weeks! ^^ Nice and fun! And now I'm back to the freezing cold where I live with jet lag still.... =( *sigh*

    Guess what! It's Chinese New Year on January 22nd!!!!! WOOHOO MONEY!!!! Hehe, It's also my cuzzies birthday, she'll be 10 this year ^^ Hope she'll have a wonderful day.

    Well I'm feeling very good today! =D Weekend! MORE REST!! Muhahaha. Got some results from my mocks, not bad so far mostly Cs, one B! And one or two Ds.... (Must have been a mis-print).

    I know what I'm taking for my A-levels now and have no intention of changing my decision yet. I'm thinking of taking Maths, Graphics, Media, Business Studies. Not a bad match I think. Fits into the catagory of the job industry I wanna go into, Advertisment! =^o^= ~nyo!

    Took a quiz ^^

    Night Fairy
    Please rate my Quiz

    Which Fairy are you?(for anyone many out comes)
    brought to you by Quizilla

    OK Maybe a few... xD

    People like you becuase you're a sweetheart!
    What attracts people to you?

    brought to you by Quizilla

    Purple! You have purple eyes! You're a dreamer,
    artist, poet, whatever. You enjoy all forms of
    art and literature, and tend to be quite good
    at creating them as well.

    What Color Are Your Anime Eyes?
    brought to you by Quizilla

    You are Form 0, Phoenix: The Eternal.

    "And The Phoenix's cycle had reached
    zenith, so he consumed himself in fire. He
    emerged from his own ashes, to be forever

    Some examples of the Phoenix Form are Quetzalcoatl
    (Aztec), Shiva (Indian), and Ra-Atum
    The Phoenix is associated with the concept of life,
    the number 0, and the element of fire.
    His sign is the eclipsed sun.

    As a member of Form 0, you are a determined
    individual. You tend to keep your sense of
    optomism, even through tough times and have a
    positive outlook on most situations. You have
    a way of looking at going through life as a
    journey that you can constantly learn from.
    Phoenixes are the best friends to have because
    they cheer people up easily.

    Which Mythological Form Are You?
    brought to you by Quizilla

    Maki -

    What would your Japanese name be? (female)
    brought to you by Quizilla