Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Exams Exams...

Hiya all! We've been given our exam timetable and I have to do a total of 18 exams!!! 0.o! The poor lunatic is gonna be tired after all those exams cramped up in one week! (lol I wonder how I'm gonna survive!)

Anyway, I'm thinking of doing another laout for meh blog cos this winter one has been up for ages and I'm sorta getting bored of it. Looks cool and neat still but I think I need a little change! So I'll be right back with a new layout! ^^

Saturday, February 21, 2004


It's nearly 1 o'clock in the morning, chillin' out to anime music, chatting to a mate. (Yes she's still online like me... Now acting a "little" weird..... YELP! I think I'm not the only loony one...) Hmm.. I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentines last Saturaday! I got back home at like midnight, cos I was working very late that day! VERY BUSY DAY!

I'm sorry that I didn't put up a Valentines layout. It didn't come up nice when I had loaded it up on the internet. However, here's some evidence that i DID try and make a layout for my site ^^ (Please wait for it to load, click on the thumbnail to view a larger version):

So how is it? Good or bad? I think it's bit plain and simple, but still nice and sweet! Doesn't Pucca and Garu look soo kawaii together? The layout was made with MS paint and then fixed up in Microsoft FrontPage. Picture from Vooz.

Monday, February 09, 2004

Happy Valentines (*Sniff*)

Achoweee! Oh I'm sorry, I've caught a cold from that "thing" over there I call a brother. Don't think Miss Loony is feeling well (jeeze my immune system really sucks! Especially meh nose! Even the doc said so! (lol) and ppl think I'm mad when I'm wearing two tops, a big jumper, fleece, two socks, some trousers on a warm, sunny day.... Okay I think i exagerated there ^_^; ... LOOK! I was freezing cold! *Sniff*) I hate it when I catch a cold. *Sigh* I was trying to make a new layout (yes one of my own ^^) in time for Valentines (Feb 14th, this Saturday!!!) but err.. it's sorta doesn't look nice. It looked fine in FrontPage but not on the web cos I don't have a good graphics program ;_; All I have is Office and Paint! It's fine in bitmat, but in .jpeg or .gif format, it goes all higgle-de-piggle-de when uploaded, so I'm leaving it for now, have cwk to do in the meantime ;_;

I'll cya ppl around (Whoever does read my random loony rants anyway?) Ja Ne! ~Phoenix (Might start to have a avatar in the next layout. I'll think about that! =D)